Friday, March 07, 2008

Mail Haul!!

One of my favorite things about bento is ordering fun plastic things from Japan. Check our today's haul:

I can officially make fun shapes out of boiled eggs with my six egg molds and two quail eggs molds. So far I haven't been able to find fresh quail eggs, only canned (scary! but I will probably try them anyway).

I also got a couple of sauce containers for BF because right now the only ones I have are pink with pretty sakuras on them, and some different shapes of onigiri molds.

Most exciting are the cutters on the bottom left. They are to make all different shapes, and they come with an idea book to help make faces.

So hopefully my bentos are about to become a whole lot cuter! I wish that the book had english translations though, because I'm not sure what kinds of food they're using for a lot of the designs. I'm sure I'll figure it out though.